Our Vision: Three Game-Changing Projects


Blake Bertuccelli-Booth

Equalify Platform, EQ2, and Runtime Accessibility outlined by Equalify founder, Blake Bertuccelli-Booth.

Vision by Equalify

Since August 2023, Equalify launched over 40 projects (check out our repos on GitHub).

Our hacking has led to this moment. I’m happy to announce our project vision. This vision can be described through three core projects: Equalify Platform, “EQ2”, and Runtime Accessibility.

Equalify Platform: An Open Source Alternative to Siteimprove

SiteImprove and other accessibility companies price out users. We’re building an Open Source alternative to pricy products, giving pros the tools they need to scan and fix large numbers of accessibility issues.

Platform Version 1

The Equalify platform currently offers core scanning features. Those core features include:

  • On-demand Scans: Scan pages whenever you want.
  • Historic Reporting: Impress management with clear reports.
  • Robust API: Run scans and embed Equalify data into your app!
  • Screen Reader Ready: For Equalify, Accessibility is mission-critical.

But we know there’s more to do!

More Clients Mean Faster Development

With our current resources, we’re about a year away from building out the full set of features professionals expect from testing platforms. That timeline can accelerate as we bring in more clients. The more financial backing we have, the faster we can develop.

Equalify offers 24/7 support and custom feature development, including custom dashboards, SSO integration, and tailored scans.

Book a meeting with us to discuss what Equalify can do for you.

Second Project: Realtime Accessibility Scanning with “EQ2”

EQ2 is our approach to real-time accessibility scanning. By eliminating the browser from many checks and using custom server environments, we’re creating scalable, high-speed accessibility tests.

Our vision is to empower disabled users to take charge of automated testing. Imagine a blind user being able to scan millions of web pages for accessibility issues with ease.

EQ2 aims to give professionals—disabled or not—the autonomy to design and run their own tests, offering greater flexibility and innovation.

Join a 45-Minute EQ2 User Study and Earn $75

We’re launching EQ2 by recruiting accessibility professionals for a 45-minute user study. Participants will earn $75 for sharing insights on:

  • What annoys you with current automated testing?
  • What tests would you develop if you could analyze the entire internet?
  • What are your problems with existing automated testing?
  • What’s a fair price we could charge?

We’re aiming to survey 20 web accessibility managers and developers by November, with a preference for professionals living with disabilities.

Third Project: Runtime Accessibility

Our ultimate vision is an internet where accessibility is built into every step of website development.

This means frameworks like React would include native accessibility checks, and browsers would flag accessibility errors just as they do security vulnerabilities.

While this future is still many years away, Equalify is committed to making it a reality. We’re sharpening our tools now to pave the way for a fully accessible digital world.

Together, we can Equalify the internet.


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